Global powerhouse Flex has launched an exciting new project called Flex 20 by 2020. This internal project involves 200,000 employees in 100 locations and 30 countries.
The initiative was designed to align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to improve standards in Flex’s operations and supply chain, with a focus on community, people and a big emphasis on the environment.
This project which is ongoing is a positive step for the Fortune 500 company as it continually seeks to improve its business practices to help aid its employees work, as well as support its aims of being a sustainable company.
A great achievement across the globe
CEO of Flex, Mike McNamara explains:
“We are committed to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business and across the entire supply chain.
“Several global, regional and local initiatives and programs were created around our global citizenship cornerstones, enabling us to achieve some remarkable results.”
One of the major accomplishments of the program has resulted in replacing and installing more than 43,000 LED light fixtures manufactured by Flex Lighting Solutions in eight countries.
These changes resulted in the reduction of more than 22,600,000 KWh/year and helped reduce CO2 emissions by 15,900 tonnes.
Flex and Earth Day 2017
Flex also had a strong showing during Earth day during 2017, with employees from 61 sites from 21 countries participating in the event. This involved around 80,000 employees with more then 260 unique initiatives employed.
“I am proud of the enthusiasm and engagement our teams demonstrated globally to support our communities and the environment. We strive to help the world live in a sustainable way,” said Paul Baldassari, Chief Human Resources Officer.
Along with other Flex executives, Mr Baldassari participated in this Earth Day challenge and planted several trees in Singapore and Malaysia.
Some of the day’s key achievements included:
• 2,600 employees learned about environmental topics such as recycling, global warming and general awareness
• 1,400 vehicles were replaced by alternative methods of transportation including carpooling, walking, public transportation and biking
• 31,000 kgs of additional waste diverted from landfill through recycling
• 2,500+ employees cleaned beaches, rivers, streets and parks