Right to Light for Solar Energy: How to Protect Your Solar Panels from Overshadowing

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The ‘Right to Light’ concept for solar energy is a crucial aspect of property law in Australia, ensuring that property owners have access to natural daylight in their homes and businesses. These rules vary from state to state and territory to territory, with each jurisdiction having regulations and guidelines to protect this fundamental right. Property owners, buyers, and developers need to be well-informed about these rules, as they can significantly impact residents’ values and quality of life.

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No single law in Australia protects an individual’s right to light. Instead, each state and territory has its own set of laws and regulations that deal with this issue.

In general, the right to light is a common law right that allows landowners to enjoy the natural light that falls on their property. This right is not absolute, and other landowners have the right to build on their property, even if it means that some of the light that previously fell on a neighbouring property is blocked.

However, there are some circumstances in which a landowner may be able to take legal action to protect their right to light. For example, if a new development blocks so much light that it makes the neighbouring property uninhabitable, the landowner may be able to sue for damages.

What is the Right to Light?

The right to light is a right to receive sufficient natural light to enjoy the reasonable use of one’s land. The right is not limited to sunlight but includes moonlight and starlight. The right to light is not absolute, and several factors can be considered when determining whether a neighbour’s interference with the right to light is unreasonable. These factors include:

  • The amount of light that is blocked
  • The duration of the interference
  • The purpose for which the light is being blocked
  • The nature of the dominant and servient tenements (the land that benefits from the right to light and the land that interferes with the right to light, respectively)
  • The impact of the interference on the reasonable use of the dominant tenement
Right to Light-solar panel

Right to Light rules by state and territory

The right-to-light rules in each state and territory vary. In some states and territories, the right to light is protected by statute, while in others, it is protected by common law.

New South Wales

In New South Wales, ‘Right to Light’ rules are primarily governed by local councils. They use Development Control Plans (DCPs) and Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) to regulate issues related to overshadowing and access to sunlight. Property developers must adhere to these plans when designing and constructing buildings to ensure they do not excessively overshadow neighbouring properties.


Victoria, like New South Wales, relies on local council planning regulations to govern the ‘Right to Light.’ The key guidelines are set out in the ResCode, which outlines acceptable overshadowing limits, ensuring that new developments do not unduly affect existing property owners’ access to natural light.


Local councils similarly govern Queensland‘s ‘Right to Light’ rules. They use various planning schemes and policies to regulate issues related to overshadowing and access to sunlight. These regulations vary across different local government areas, so it is crucial to consult with the relevant council when planning any new development.

South Australia

In South Australia, local councils also play a central role in regulating the ‘Right to Light.’ They use Development Plan policies to address overshadowing issues, ensuring that new developments respect the sunlight rights of neighbouring properties. These policies may vary from one council area to another.

Western Australia

Western Australia manages the ‘Right to Light’ through its local government authorities. These authorities issue permits and approvals for new developments based on guidelines established in their town planning schemes and zoning regulations. Property developers must adhere to these rules to ensure they do not infringe upon their neighbours’ access to natural light.

Australian Capital Territory

In the Australian Capital Territory, the Territory Plan is the primary regulatory document governing the ‘Right to Light.’ The plan specifies building height limits and other requirements to prevent overshadowing and maintain access to natural light for existing properties.

Important note




The right to light is a complex area of law, and the rules vary from state and territory. You should seek legal advice if you believe your right to light has been interfered with.

This article is intended to provide general information about the right to light in Australia. It is not a substitute for legal advice. You should consult an expert or lawyer if you have questions about the right to light.

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