New NBN Pricing Regulation to Promote Competition and Lower Prices for Australians, ACCC Announces

nbn pricing

In recent developments, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accepted NBN Co‘s proposed variation to its Special Access Undertaking (SAU), signalling a significant regulatory change that promises to benefit both consumers and the competitive landscape in the Australian telecommunications sector. This article explores the key aspects of the new NBN regulation and its potential impact on the long-term interests of Australians.

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The National Broadband Network (NBN) is a critical national infrastructure central to Australia’s digital economy. Millions of Australians use the NBN daily for work, commerce, education and entertainment.

The Special Access Undertaking (SAU) sets the rules for how broadband providers will access the NBN over the coming decades and will apply until 2040.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is responsible for regulating the SAU and ensuring that it promotes the long-term interests of Australians.

nbn internet connection

New SAU variation

In August 2023, NBN Co lodged a revised SAU variation proposal that the ACCC consulted on. The ACCC has now accepted this proposal.

The new SAU variation includes several measures designed to promote competition and the long-term interests of Australians, including:

More stable pricing

The new SAU introduces long-term pricing commitments that will restrict any annual increase in NBN Co’s average wholesale price to no more than the change in the consumer price index. This would apply until NBN Co’s revenue reaches efficient costs, expected around 2030.

Boosting competition and service quality

Another important aspect of the new regulation is its potential to enhance competition and service quality in the telecommunications market. The pricing stability will lower the barriers for new retailers to enter the market, expanding the options available to consumers and fostering innovation.

This variation also introduces a new framework for setting service standards that aims to deliver greater consistency in the quality of service NBN Co provides to broadband providers. This commitment to consistent service quality means that issues such as faulty services and connection delays should be addressed more efficiently, benefiting consumers.

A fit-for-purpose regulatory framework

The ACCC’s decision to accept NBN Co’s SAU variation comes after over two years of consultation between NBN Co, broadband providers, the ACCC, the government, and consumer groups. NBN Co had previously proposed two variations that were withdrawn due to concerns raised by the ACCC and stakeholders. However, the accepted variation addresses these concerns and meets the statutory criteria necessary to promote the long-term interests of end-users.

As outlined in NBN Co’s accepted SAU variation, the new NBN regulation promises a more stable pricing structure that protects consumers from price hikes and encourages competition among retailers. Furthermore, it introduces service quality standards that are expected to enhance the overall broadband experience for Australians.

The ACCC’s decision to accept this variation comes after a thorough and collaborative consultation process and addresses previous concerns raised by various stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to promote the long-term interests of Australians and ensure that the NBN remains a reliable and efficient resource for the country’s digital economy. As this new regulation takes effect, observing how it shapes the Australian telecommunications landscape in the coming years will be interesting.

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Benefits for Australians

The new SAU variation is expected to benefit Australians in several ways, including:

  • Lower prices: The new pricing arrangements are expected to result in lower prices for consumers, with a new basic voice and data service being offered at about half the price of NBN Co’s existing entry-level broadband offer.
  • More choice and innovation: The increased competition between retailers is expected to lead to more choice and innovative products for consumers.
  • Improved service quality: The new framework for setting service standards is expected to lead to greater consistency in the quality of service that NBN Co provides to broadband providers.

Next steps

NBN Co has stated that it intends to implement new commercial agreements with broadband providers by 1 December this year.

While the new wholesale arrangements will have important implications for consumer offers, it will be up to individual broadband providers to decide on any changes to their residential and business plans.


Source&Images: Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Media Releases

The aim is to promote the long-term interests of Australians

As outlined in NBN Co’s accepted SAU variation, the new NBN regulation holds the promise of a more stable pricing structure that protects consumers from price hikes and encourages competition among retailers. Furthermore, it introduces service quality standards that are expected to enhance the overall broadband experience for Australians.

The ACCC’s decision to accept this variation comes after a thorough and collaborative consultation process and addresses previous concerns raised by various stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to promote the long-term interests of Australians and ensure that the NBN remains a reliable and efficient resource for the country’s digital economy. As this new regulation takes effect, observing how it shapes the Australian telecommunications landscape in the coming years will be interesting.

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