Most Australians disagree with the Turnbull Government’s bid to keep the Liddell coal-fired power station open.
A ReachTEL poll released by the Climate Council asked what should happen after the NSW station’s planned closure in 2022.
The Federal Government wants to keep the ageing facility open at a cost of nearly $1 billion.
However, 77 per cent of respondents said public money should not be used to extend the station’s life.
The most popular alternative, chosen by 59 per cent of respondents, is to introduce a Clean Energy Target policy. This would then encourage new renewable energy to replace the coal-fired station.
Australians choose to retire ‘old lady Liddell’
Chief Executive of the Climate Council Amanda McKenzie said the poll shows Australians are practical people.
“Given the choice of putting a billion dollar band-aid on old lady Liddell, or rolling out new lower cost, clean technologies – it’s a no-brainer,” she said.
According to the Council, new coal-fired power stations are twice as costly as wind – and also more expensive than solar power systems.
Consequently, two-thirds of Australians (66%) said coal-fired power stations should be replaced with renewable sources of power.
The poll also found anti-coal sentiment cuts across political party preferences and ages. Nearly half of Liberal voters (47%) and the vast majority (82%) of Labour voters agreed that Liddell must be replaced with renewable sources.
Electricity bills will rise if Liddell stays open
“The public has made its mind up on Liddell – and more broadly on the future energy direction of the country,” Ms McKenzie said.
“Now it’s up to our elected leaders to listen and act.”
Most of the people polled (51%) said keeping the ageing station open would subsequently push up their energy bills. New South Wales residents were the most concerned, with 55 per cent anticipating energy price rises if Liddell stays open.
In addition, 54 per cent of people said they will have to cut household budgets – across groceries, holidays and entertainment – if energy prices rise.
ReachTEL conducted the survey of 2,176 residents across Australia on 20 September 2017.