Wind Turbine With A Twist

A new design of wind turbine that its makers claim has practically no resistance and is whisper quiet, the Liam F1 borrows from nature.
Archimedes Liam F1 Wind Turbine

Archimedes Wind Turbine. Source:

A new design of wind turbine that its makers claim has practically no resistance and is whisper quiet, the Liam F1 borrows from nature.

Created by Netherlands company, the Archimedes, the  Liam F1 was officially launched today at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam.

Drawing on the form of the Nautilus shell and the mathematics of ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer Archimedes, the company says the turbine will generate on average 1180 to 1500 kWh of electricity annually at an average wind-speed of 5m/s (18 kilometres per hour). It has a cut-in wind speed of 2m/s (7.2 kilometres per hour).

The unit, which measures 1.50 meters in length x 1.50 meters in width x 2.00 meters in height, weighs 75 kilograms and can be mounted on a rooftop.

The Archimedes’ team appears supremely confident in their creation; which they say is the result of ten years of research and development.

“This compact wind turbine, with a diameter of only five feet, will cause a revolution in the world of generating electrical power and resistance theories,” states the company.

“An additional environmental advantage to the customer: the Liam F1 is virtually silent, easily fits on the roof of a house just as solar panels but does not have the disadvantages of conventional wind turbines.”

A press release from the company states because of its screw-design, the Liam will automatically position itself optimally, “just like a pennant” and will therefore produce maximum energy yield.

The Archimedes says it has already sold 7,000 turbines in 14 countries prior to the official launch and is now developing smaller units that can be used in applications such as boating.

Cost of the turbine is (estimated) AUD $5,900.

Download the latest Archimedes Liam F1 Wind Turbine brochure

Should I purchase a wind turbine instead of solar?

Harnessing the free power of the wind is certainly attractive and can save you money on your electricity bills. However, small-scale wind turbines are unable to match the power output of rooftop solar in a residential setting. Wind turbines can certainly complement solar, but opting to forego solar in lieu of wind might pose some problems. The installation of residential wind turbines must be approved by your local council – which is usually the greatest obstacle to overcome. Many councils forbid the installation of turbines for a number of reasons – with the greatest being noise pollution. If you do have permission from the council, you will need to consider the size and the number of turbines to install to offset your electricity usage.

There’s also the issue of the need for wind. The sun will shine each and every day, even when there’s cloud cover. There are many days where there’s little to no breeze. If you’re going to rely on wind power alone, you might find that you have days of no wind power generation.

In almost all cases, solar is the overwhelming choice for the average Australian home. However, wind turbines are certainly an option and a great addition to solar.

Get a quick solar quote, or contact us today toll free on 1800 EMATTERS or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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